English / Japanese


I am a researcher working at the R&D department of NTT in Japan (currently, at NTT Social Informatics Laboratories).

My main research area is cryptography, and my primary interest lies in the design and analysis of cryptographic protocols. My previous works include designing cryptographic protocols that provide strong security guarantees (such as non-malleability, concurrent security, composability, and leakage resilience).

Before joining NTT, I was a student at Kyoto University, where I obtained a doctoral degree in Informatics in 2018, a master's degree in Informatics in 2013, and a bachelors' degree in Engineering in 2011.

Email: susumu at / susumu.kiyoshima at

Note: My previous email addresses (kiyoshima.susumu at, at, susumu.kiyoshima at were revoked. I cannot check these email addresses anymore.


Conference Papers

  1. Constant-Time Approximation Algorithms for the Knapsack Problem.
    Hiro Ito, Susumu Kiyoshima, Yuichi Yoshida.
    TAMC 2012 (The 9th Annual Conference on Theory and Applications of Models of Computation).
    proceeding version
  2. Efficient Concurrent Oblivious Transfer in Super-Polynomial-Simulation Security.
    Susumu Kiyoshima, Yoshifumi Manabe, Tatsuaki Okamoto.
    IWSEC 2012 (The 7th International Workshop on Security).    Best Student Paper
    proceeding version
  3. Constant-Round Black-Box Construction of Composable Multi-Party Computation Protocol.
    Susumu Kiyoshima, Yoshifumi Manabe, Tatsuaki Okamoto.
    TCC 2014 (The 11th Theory of Cryptography Conference).
    proceeding version    author version
  4. Round-Efficient Black-Box Construction of Composable Multi-Party Computation.
    Susumu Kiyoshima.
    CRYPTO 2014 (The 34th International Cryptology Conference).
    proceeding version    (see also this journal paper)
  5. An Alternative Approach to Non-black-box Simulation in Fully Concurrent Setting.
    Susumu Kiyoshima.
    TCC 2015 (The 12th Theory of Cryptography Conference).
    proceeding version    (see also this journal paper)
  6. Statistical Concurrent Non-malleable Zero-knowledge from One-way Functions.
    Susumu Kiyoshima.
    CRYPTO 2015 (The 35th International Cryptology Conference).
    proceeding version    author version    (see also this journal paper)
  7. Garbling Scheme for Formulas with Constant Size of Garbled Gates.
    Carmen Kempka, Ryo Kikuchi, Susumu Kiyoshima, Koutarou Suzuki.
    ASIACRYPT 2015 (The 21st Annual International Conference on the Theory and Application of Cryptology and Information Security).
    proceeding version    author version
  8. Constant-round Leakage-resilient Zero-knowledge from Collision Resistance.
    Susumu Kiyoshima.
    EUROCRYPT 2016 (The 35th Annual International Conference on the Theory and Applications of Cryptographic Techniques).
    proceeding version    author version    (see also this journal paper)
  9. On the Exact Round Complexity of Self-Composable Two-Party Computation.
    Sanjam Garg, Susumu Kiyoshima, Omkant Pandey.
    EUROCRYPT 2017 (The 36th Annual International Conference on the Theory and Applications of Cryptographic Techniques).
    proceeding version    author version
  10. A Unified Approach to Constructing Black-box UC Protocols in Trusted Setup Models.
    Susumu Kiyoshima, Huijia Lin, Muthuramakrishnan Venkitasubramaniam.
    TCC 2017 (The 15th Theory of Cryptography Conference).
    proceeding version    author version
  11. A New Approach to Black-Box Concurrent Secure Computation.
    Sanjam Garg, Susumu Kiyoshima, Omkant Pandey.
    EUROCRYPT 2018 (The 37th Annual International Conference on the Theory and Applications of Cryptographic Techniques).
    proceeding version    author version
  12. No-signaling Linear PCPs.
    Susumu Kiyoshima.
    TCC 2018 (The 16th Theory of Cryptography Conference).
    proceeding version    author version    (see also this journal paper)
  13. Round-optimal Black-box Commit-and-prove with Succinct Communication.
    Susumu Kiyoshima.
    CRYPTO 2020 (The 40th Annual International Cryptology Conference).
    proceeding version    author version
  14. Black-Box Impossibilities of Obtaining 2-Round Weak ZK and Strong WI from Polynomial Hardness.
    Susumu Kiyoshima.
    TCC 2021 (The 19th Theory of Cryptography Conference).
    proceeding version    author version
  15. Public-Coin 3-Round Zero-Knowledge from Learning with Errors and Keyless Multi-Collision-Resistant Hash.
    Susumu Kiyoshima.
    CRYPTO 2022 (The 42nd Annual International Cryptology Conference).
    proceeding version    author version
  16. Holographic SNARGs for P and Batch-NP from (Polynomially Hard) Learning with Errors.
    Susumu Kiyoshima.
    TCC 2023 (The 21st Theory of Cryptography Conference).
    proceeding version    author version
  17. Resettable Statistical Zero-Knowledge for NP.
    Susumu Kiyoshima
    CRYPTO 2024 (The 44th Annual International Cryptology Conference).
    proceeding version    author version

Journal Papers

  1. Round-Efficient Black-Box Construction of Composable Multi-Party Computation.
    Susumu Kiyoshima.
    Journal of Cryptology, Volume 32, Issue 1. 2019.
    publisher version    author version
    (A preliminary version of this paper was presented at CRYPTO 2014.)
  2. Non-black-box Simulation in the Fully Concurrent Setting, Revisited.
    Susumu Kiyoshima.
    Journal of Cryptology, Volume 32, Issue 2. 2019.
    publisher version    author version
    (A preliminary version of this paper was presented at TCC 2015.)
  3. Statistical Concurrent Non-Malleable Zero-Knowledge from One-Way Functions.
    Susumu Kiyoshima.
    Journal of Cryptology, Volume 33, Issue 3. 2020.
    publisher version
    (A preliminary version of this paper was presented at CRYPTO 2015.)
  4. Constant-Round Leakage-Resilient Zero-Knowledge from Collision Resistance
    Susumu Kiyoshima.
    Journal of Cryptology, Volume 35, Issue 3. 2022.
    publisher version
    (A preliminary version of this paper was presented at EUROCRYPT 2016.)
  5. No-Signaling Linear PCPs
    Susumu Kiyoshima.
    Journal of Cryptology, Volume 36, Issue 2. 2023.
    publisher version
    (A preliminary version of this paper was presented at TCC 2018.)


  1. Constant-Time Approximation Algorithms for the Knapsack Problem.
    Undergraduate Thesis. Kyoto University. 2011.
    Supervisor: Prof. Hiro Ito.
  2. Composably Secure Cryptographic Protocols.
    Master Thesis. Kyoto University. 2013.
    Supervisor: Prof. Tatsuaki Okamoto.
  3. A Study on Cryptographic Protocols: Achieving Strong Security for Zero-knowledge Proofs and Secure Computation
    Doctoral Thesis. Kyoto University. 2018.

Other Activities

Created: 2024-06-01 土 11:54